Love Letters
Dear Scholar,
I would like to personally thank you for allowing me to share my vision, passion, and love for life in this curriculum. Please soak in every moment and hold onto every word you read. You are special, wonderfully made, and you are young but you have the power to make a difference! No matter how much you love and care for others, NEVER allow negativity to affect your life. You are worth much more than what others make you feel. Always remember that! You are deserving, brilliant, and exceptionally beautiful. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Even through difficult times, always remember who you are, and not what people say that you are. Hold your head high, and most importantly, Know Your Worth & Make A Difference!
– Sèna Pierre
Dear Scholar,
You are a remarkable creation. The most important quest you will ever go on will be to find out who you are and how to love yourself. Wake up each morning and tell yourself that you are beautifully made, and special in every way. There will be times when you will feel like giving up, and when fear will conquer your courage. Hate will come in many forms, and tears may fall from your eyes, but always remember that you are amazing. There is beauty in knowledge, knowing your worth, seeing your growth, recognizing your potential, and loving yourself first. You are worth much more than any other person may know. You are valuable – worth more than diamonds and gold. Be fearless in your endeavors and apply the knowledge that you learn. As you nurture the things you have learned, they will open pathways in your life. Smile in the mornings when you look in the mirror, and always demand your respect. You are a King|Queen and nothing less. Be fearless in all things and keep your head held high. Never give up on what you believe in, for you have the power to move mountains.
– Love,
Megan A. Walker
Dear Young Kings & Queens,
I believe in you.
You are bold, brave, and uniquely created to add beauty to this world. Whenever things get tough remember that you are royalty. Don’t let anyone dull the sparkle inside of you and always remember that kindness goes a long way. I know that life will not always be easy, but I am convinced that you have the strength and determinaGon to persevere. Don’t ever give up-this world is counGng on you in ways that you may never know. Li] your shoulders, hold your head high, and wear your (invisible) crown with humility and grace. You have been chosen for this journey and I know that great things are in store. I am honored to know you, to watch you, and to witness what you will become.
– I believe in you.
BriCany King
Dear Kings & Queens,
There are 365 days in a year, 12 months in the same, 24 hours in a day, and 60 seconds in each of the 60 minutes that make up an hour. It’s your turn to choose how your Gme will be spent and the view of life you desire.
Life is interesGng in the way that although we can control some things, we cannot control them all. Some of the things that we can control is our aetude about something. We can control our perspecGve, where we govern how we assign value to that which happens to us and around us. We can also control our smile. We can discipline ourselves to smile through it, pray through it, overcome because of it, and ulGmately take a victory lap.
Your circumstances are not the period at the end of your story. They are the comma, there is more to come. You are a MASTERPIECE in progress, my love. You are worthy and deserving of the good things on the way. Keep smiling, praying, persevering, loving, and applying the faith to see that next (walking in faith) is actually now.
– You are amazing and I honor you,
Andonnia Maiben